Bus Stop, High Street, Oxford

This is the fifth in the series of Oxford paintings and I have gone back to the High Street as I wanted to accentuate the lovely curve and include more of the old buildings. The wider format has allowed me to do that and since this is an area where many people catch the bus, I have included the bus 'STOP' and some modern street furniture.

According to Wikipedia:
The street has been described by Nikolaus Pevsner as "one of the world's great streets". It forms a gentle curve and is the subject of many prints, paintings, photographs, etc. The vista looking west towards Carfax with University College on the left and The Queen's College on the right is an especially popular view. There are many historical buildings on the street, including the University of Oxford buildings and colleges. Locally the street is often known as "The High".

Medium: Acrylic and Pencil
Size: 580 x 270 cm
Price: SOLD

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