Jugs on Parade

Just finished this pencil sketch of all the jugs on my windowsill.

Copper, brass, puter and ceramic, they are like a row of people each with their own personality and differing characters, sizes and ages.

The discipline of this type od drawing is always good but perhaps I will paint them in oils at some point.

Size: 715mm x 415mm
Media: Pencil on paper
Price: £250


My good friend and ex-business partner Jeff has been inspired to write the following lovely poem about the 'Jugs'.


Looking left or right these jugs stand out
Each handle poised opposite a spout
One breaks the pattern with a turned back
A rebel in this upright pack

Ceramic, pewter, brass and copper
None of them fitted with a stopper
Happily suited for uses galore
All designed to effectively pour

Short and stubby, tall and proud
Some stand out from the crowd
While others just know their place
Trying not to show their face

The patina of age is clearly shown
Their unique history written in stone
By pencil marks across the page
As this sextet takes the stage

Superbly crafted by my talented old pal
An atmospheric sketch in graphite signed by Al
This still life's worth more than just a bid
It's yours for only 250 quid


  1. Moyra Le Blanc Smith
    February 1, 2018

    What a wonderful drawing and great subject.

  2. Karin Ort
    February 2, 2018

    I love this drawing Alan!! And your friends poem is equally brilliant! Well done to both of you and thank you for sharing it with us x


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